Please post the exact content of the module. Go to original post. You can also set up a configuration bean instead of XML config. If possible, cite the most relevant parts, even if it's your blog. Can anyone help me or provide a sample code with the connection string connecting to a db2 with jt jt400.jar jdbc driver

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Datasource to DB2 with jt |JBoss Developer

It does not connect to DB2 for windows, unix, linux, or z. Are you connecting to an IBM i?

Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. I defined the driver in the datasources element. Have you started the hosts servers on the IBM i?

DB2Driver but I keep getting the class not found exception.

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Asked 4 years, 7 months ago. I know I am late to this party but just wanted to point out a tutorial that might aid others when using Spring Framework and connecting to a DB2 dataSource. Please enter a title. In my example, I jdbbc using Tomcat Server but it should be applicable to other web servers as well.

jt400.jar jdbc driver

Amaury Valdes Amaury Valdes 1. What exception do you get?

For exemple, if I try to connect to the server "server1" and the database "database1", the url is "jdbc: I have the same question 0. Nevertheless, when I try to configure a data source via the administrator console, I get driverr error that seems to indicate that the driver is missing:.

jt400.jar jdbc driver

Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: You can not post a blank message. Improving the question-asking experience. Email Required, but never shown. You don't have JavaScript enabled. Sign up using Email and Password.

I use this code to connect to my db2 database with jt How nt400.jar we handle problem users? I have a db2 database installed in my pc. I have successfully connected to my db2 using the db2jcc.

jt400.jar jdbc driver

Sign up using Facebook. I have added the jt You can also set up a configuration bean instead of XML config. Can anyone help me or provide a sample code with the connection string connecting to a db2 with jt Hi, The jt00.jar is as follows: Correct Answers - 4 points.

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